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Opportunity of a Lifetime


It has been a good run here at West Fargo High School- 12 years of teaching physics, AP Physics 1, AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism. I cherish the students I have had the pleasure to teach and the staff I have had the pleasure of working with. This is a good place and I will miss you all.

In March of 2022, I was selected as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow sponsored by the Department of Energy. I was one of only 15 K-12 STEM teachers selected nationwide for this honor and they believe I am the only teacher in the program's 32 year history that is from North Dakota. Starting August 16, 2022, I will be spending 11 months in a Congressional Office on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, having a voice on national education policy. My specific placement will be determined in the next few weeks after interviews. I am both excited and terrified at this amazing opportunity. I will definitely will be stepping WAY outside my comfort zone!

As my request for a one-year leave of absence was denied by Superintendent Slette, I do not know if I will return to West Fargo High School. We will have to see what happens.

Join me on my journey here as I try to post weekly what I am doing. I will start regular posts in Mid-August. Keep in mind this is a work in progress- I have never had a blog before!

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