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Celebrate the Titanic

It's been several months since I have felt called to write about something. I have been readjusting to life away from DC and back in the...

All good things...

...must come to an end. I have one week left as a current Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow, at which time, I will become an...

Words of wisdom...

I have run across a few quotes this week that struck a chord with me and I thought I would share my thoughts. I wasn't sure how I felt...

Working together...

A couple of nights ago, my friend Tyler and I went to the Kennedy Center to see the National Symphony Orchestra perform music from all 11...

A new beginning...

It's hard to believe I have less than a month left of the Einstein Fellowship. It's been a life-changing experience. Until I took a...

Culture and climate...

Think of a job you had that you disliked. What did you dislike? I've had a number of jobs while in high school, college and...

Living a Pixar life...

This week I got to fulfill a dream of touring Pixar Animation Studios. Toy Story, the first fully computer animated movie, was released...

Be a bright light...

There is no denying this world can be dark, cold and lonely. Succumbing to it leads to anxiety and depression that is often hard to...

Fly me to the moon...

For as long as I can remember, every time I looked at the moon I thought about the men that had walked on it. I was born just a few...

The power of inclusion...

Think about a time in your life when you felt excluded...How did it make you feel? I'm not sure there is a more emotionally crushing...

The quiet work...

Two things happened in the past week or so that have led me to today's post. Last week, our office (and the nation) found out that my...

The sad truth...

Last spring, when I was selected to be an Albert Einstein Distinguished Fellow, my local newspaper, the Fargo Forum, did an article about...

Teacher guilt...

Without another word, every teacher in this country knows what I am talking about. As a teacher, we experience this on a daily basis,...

Reaching for the stars...

This week has been very difficult. Last week, I was offered a good job at an excellent school where I admire and respect the school and...

Time to pull our heads out of.....

...the sand. Or perhaps somewhere else as well. I read a statistic this week that was horrifying: In the US, one-third of 4th graders...

When one door closes...

This has been a hard week. Let me explain the backstory. I taught at my previous school for 12 years, building the physics program from...

What's your story?

It seems like an odd question to start with in a blog, but I was twice reminded of the importance of story this week. This past week, the...

16 hours.....

That is the crazy number of hours it took for the Education and the Workforce Committee's first markup of this Congressional session. ...

Follow the Money...

Have you ever wondered how government programs were funded? I will be the first to admit that I was completely clueless before coming to...

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